Biblia Hebraica

The Preface to Biblia Hebraica is as follows:

Assorted Passages from Biblia Hebraica and then from the Scrivener Trinitarian Greek Text of the New Testament are posted below:

Other Bible-translations-related webpages are hotlinked below:

Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Scripture Segments
Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Scripture Segments
Strong's Definitions of Selected N.T. Greek Words
Deficient-Text New American Standard Bible N.T.
Deficient-Text New International Version N.T.
Excerpts from the John Wesley New-Testament Translation
Biblical Creationist Webpage Hotlinks
Sacred-Harp Choral Singing
Assortment of Hymnal Selection Scores, Russian Orthodox, and Sacred Harp Singing Hotlinks
Printed-Score Organist-Music Selections
LCA Red Hymnal Liturgy Scores
Favorite Baptist Hymns Scores
Augustana Black Hymnal Liturgy Scores and Hymns
Social-Issues Webpage Hotlinks
General Topics and Pics Webpage Hotlinks">

Biblia Hebraica

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