Correct quotation of First John 5:7 includes the words: "the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit."
"Whether invoked or not invoked, God is present." - (Erasmus; Karl Gustav Jung)
"Wherever you go, there you are." - (Buckaroo Bonzai)
"....if a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie."
- (Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 11:3)
Jesus is intrinsically, innately, or inherently good; Satan is intrinsically, innately, or inherently evil.
By the very definition of His Name, God the Creator was not, nor needed to be, created by anyone nor anything.
Everything in existence who or which has a beginning and an end is, by definition, a created entity. Being that God the Creator not merely has no end, but had no beginning, exempts Him from being considered, and even being, a created entity.
When one makes themself an enemy against someone else by aggressively initiating godless hostility against them, the aggressor is to blame for starting a war (whether that war involves a friendship, a marriage, a business partnership, or a nationalistic country).
If the one who is at fault kills the other against whoever he or she has made themself an enemy, it is murder committed.
But if the innocent other kills the war-starter first, the other has performed legitimate and understandable execution.
Remember King David of the Old Testament, and Marshall Matt Dillon in the televised Gunsmoke series.
Recently, B.O. said that he was bemused and puzzled why the [astute, brave, and perceptive] "fringe" persistently press on with their "birther"-issue-vendetta crusade.
That's easy:
Racist agitants who often are also anti-George-Bush-morality subversives have FORCED true-Christian-voter Americans to become ruled by a sometimes-playful-appearing, flippantly-sarcastic, yet condescending yuppie negroid -- for the bigoted and biased cause of black-reparationist "affirmative"-action racial preference...and the one such antagonists have selected to impose his tyranny against Christ's elect saints is certainly NOT the best specimen they could have chosen, which representative of dark-skinned minority (i.e. Barry "Barack Hussein Obama" Soetoro) is instead a universalist-religions communist-like socialist with his feminist-sexist, pro-homogay, abortion-homicide-tolerant, and anti-literal-creationist views, policies, and agenda.
Of all the presently available "Bible" translations I know of, only the KJV and the Wesley New Testament have First Timothy 5:14 translated correctly, using the words: 'younger WOMEN' [Gr. ne(o)teras] instead of 'younger widows' [Gr. ch(e)ras - which Greek word is NOT in the Greek Text of First Timothy 5:14]. Also, the KJV of John 20:16 AND the Greek Text - referring to Mary's response to the salutation of the risen Christ at the empty tomb- have absolutely NO wording of "said to Him in Hebrew" (let alone "said to Him in Aramaic")...whereas most of the modern (mis-)translations have that non-authorized phrase inserted into their faulty texts. Also, the KJV-type translations correctly state the phrase: "doing His commandments" instead of the incorrect phrase: "washed their robes" for Revelation 22:14.
The God of love creating lifeforms potentially lethal to humanity could be answered in two ways: First, the consequences of committing sin by our ancestral and primal parents Adam and Eve was passed on to their then sinfully-programmed offspring down to this day, and the Lord thus allowed Satan and Death to punish them for their own sins and the sins of others, including the Devil, as happened to Job. Secondly, and related to that, the benign and benevolent Creator does not demand that we get in the way of His environmental phenomena He has benignly and benevolently created, but has allowed us humans to errantly not accomodate to what He has made and the characteristics of what He has made, choosing to not interfere with us receiving the retribution of not adjusting to established and non-yielding manifestations of His will.
"The" various-versions English-language Koran (transliterated from the Arabic Qur'an) and concocted no earlier than 500 A.D. (i.e. after the birth of Christ) is a literary conglomeration of semantically-poetic chapters captioned with weird random-like subject titles and ordering, which consist of adiaphoric selected events and doctrines somewhat similar but neither identical to nor substantially compatible with the canonical logically-ordered complete-record accounts already having been and yet present comprising of the Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian Holy Bible.
One Heaven-destined group of Americans executed bin Laden out of righteous retribution because of his murder-conspiracy misdeeds and possible plans for more....while another group of americans foolishly murdered him for political-puffing positioning when they should instead have tasered or tranquilized bin Laden, then within a classified military facility utilized recollection-enhancer memory probes, plus discreet and cautious use of scopolamine, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, temazepam, sodium thiopental and sodium amytal to acquire vital intel and info, (superior to "waterboarding" and use of electric shock within military confinement to discover Al Qaeda contact info to save a lot more lives). "In everything God works for good for those who are called according to His purpose." We also know that everything works for evil against those who are intrinsically against Him, (even the alleged "good deeds" they and others presume done for good) -- especially heretic wolves in sheeps clothing who profess to be "christians" but in fact belong to Satan's synagogue of pseudo-jews.
There is not only no materialistic evolution, there is also no spiritual evolution. There is NO microevolution, NOR is there macroevolution. There is NO evolution WHATSOEVER! By it's very errant and erroneous intrinsic meaning that some higher or more complex lifeform-KIND originated from some lower or less complex-lifeform KIND, the idea of "evolution" is a heretical and faulty abstraction deserving of the same type of fiery-torment eternal destiny as Death and Hades (along with those infidels who espouse ANY type of evolution) as described in the New-Testament book of Revelation.
For political prestige, BHO is trying to appease Al Qaeda for ordering Seals to trespass into Pakistan to murder bin Laden, by truncating Israel's Biblically-designated borders, then giving Jewish land to "palestinian" antisemites - without GOP-House, Supreme-Court, nor pro-Israel-Americans authority.
Have you ever noticed that certain defiant deviances of human-misbehavior aberration which BHO accomodates to (e.g. promiscuous abortion-homicide, bassackwards same-gender homosodomy, insubordinate feminist-sexist frigidity, evolutionist-mythology bestiality) -- all lead to EXTINCTION?
May the LORD protect and bless Netanyahu for rejecting B.O.'s anti-Scriptural 1967 border proposal, and may the LORD curse B.O. for suggesting the anti-Biblical proposal.
Netanyahu, in his recent Congressional speech, uttered some grave errors - chief of which was his acquiescence to a conglomeration of antisemitic arabs plus their demonic media and similar-slime ilk catagorized as so-called "palestinians." The very name "palestinian" infers and implies a group of hate-Israel's-existence satanists (islamic, pseudo-"christian" or whoever) whose diabolical intention is to steal any-or-all God-apportioned Holy Land which the LORD designated ONLY for His Hebrews as specified not according to U.N.-nor-British-nor-Roman-defined borders in 1967 A.D. or B.C. or whenever...but instead detailed in Numbers chapter 34, Joshua chapter 15, and Ezekiel chapter 47 of the Old-Testament of the Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian Holy Bible. Would it require the GOP House to prevent antisemitic Obama and his antisemitic Senate cohorts from withholding foreign aid to and thus defunding Jews in Israel and ordering NATO to attack Israel and Israeli settlements as they did against Libya?
It appears that the suave, well-dressed, professional-looking, spring-stepping-aggressive, egotistically-assertive, take-control-rhetoric, Kenyan-birthed, black-reparations-compensated/civil-rites-excused, international-peace-negotiator BHO is becoming even more popular to the increasingly-vast horde of willfully-deceived,viciously-slanderous-and-defiant-against-genuine-Christianity, universalist-religions-espousing, voters-to-become-in-2012 immoral majority....compared to the apparently-Social-Security/Medicare-threatening, more traditional, old-conservative-style roster of presently-publicized GOP Prez and VP candidates. What can be done about that?
If smug & indignant McCain had chosen Romney or even Ron Paul in 2008 instead of inferior-gender Sarah PeePee, he would have politically wiped out Obama/Biden. And WHY did Mondale lose with understandably-now-dead Geraldine Ferraro? Contemplate the memorial details of Ecclesiastes 7:26-27, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13 & First Timothy 2:12-14.
Mopheaded inferior-gender Michelle Bachmann continues to allow herself displayed as one pseudo-morality lying bitch by saying that she is "only in competition against Obama." She is - if fact - competing against God and His Word by violating Eccl. 7:26-27, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13, First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:12-14 and First Peter 3:7. She is also diverting vital attention away from males who COULD win the Election of 2012, such as Romney, Pawlenty, Ron Paul, etc.
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The problem with owning and investing in gold rather than increasingly-inflating-and-de-valuing Federal-Reserve IOU-notes paper money is that common everyday purchases for goods and services cannot be made using gold bullion. Besides, even though the cost and "value" of gold is increasing and will increase, why would one want to exchange gold metal for an increased amount of increasingly-inflating-and-de-valuing Federal-Reserve IOU-notes paper money?
Wouldn't it be nice if Presidential candidate Ron Paul selected Newt Gingrich as his VP running mate for the 2012 Election, with Karl Rove being their campaign manager, then Chief Advisor or White House Press Secretary when Paul and Gingrich are elected? If there must be a second choice, a Romney/Perry ticket would be OK.Subversive feminist supporters Hot Air is headed for perpetual punishment in the black flames of the outer-darkness Lake of Fire for promoting both Palin and Bachmann. May a severe curse from Jesus Christ besiege them until their damnation goes into full effect.
How many and what type of American and/or NATO military presence should remain in Afghanistan, and why type of pro-Christian-missionary and/or quasi-antisemitic-muslim combat forces and ideological readjusters should stay on there, and for how long? How much suppression and execution against antisemitic Al Qaeda in Afghanistan is in America's best long and short-term interests? Is U.S./NATO military occupation of Afghanistan in Israel's best long and short-term interests, how much, and for how long? It is expected that Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama, born in Mombasa Kenya in Coast Province General Hospital, will be re-elected in 2012, IF inferior-genders Sarah and/or Michele become the GOP Prez and/or VP candidate.
Apply the inferences and intents behind Leviticus 27:1-5, Ecclesiastes 7:26-27, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13, First Corinthians 11:1-3 & 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:12-14, and First Peter 3:7....for the sake of non-prohibiting the free exercise of religion -- the second part of the non-establishment/non-prohibition clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, concordant with contents of American founding-father documents. Such must apply concerning - and not regarding - the puffing, promoting, and support of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann to pursue GOP nomination for the office of U.S. presidency. [ Explore ]
It is, in one sense, highly dangerous to click Like on certain posted statements below, which the Devil's own could take out of context to make it seem the very opposite was meant. At times I only click 'Like' because that is the format suggested to express intense Dislike of the abhorrence I obviously dislike and am vehemently opposed to.
Satanic marxist socialists believe that a faceless abstraction called non-named non-accountable bureacratic government can acquire and apportion monies better than free-choice individuals who know their own specific needs far better than legalistic, one-size-fits-all-across-the-board bureaucratic tyrants. They demonically fear financial empowerment of freewill individuals because they demonically fear the independent sovereignty of the Creator who created such individuals and allows such to utilize His resources positively or negatively any ways they want.
Bill Maher seems rather "right" having used the colorfully-derogatory terms he has understandably used to describe feminist Sarah Palin and especially inferior-gender Michele Bachmann who has declared herself a GOP Prez candidate for 2012. Now, Mr. Maher, using his sarcastic vitriol, should target mopheads-exhibitor SS-despiser Sean Hannity, being that Hannity wants the poorer half of the nation to pay income taxes.
To some, Bill Maher represents the animal emblem of obaminate malware of the democratic party. To others, he sometimes utters profound insight reminiscent of Balaam's Mule (i.e. B.M.)
In either case, B.M. rightly labeled feminist-glamor-star Sarah Palin and especially inferior-gender moralist and prezzy-wannabe Michele Bachmann as he so colorfully described, but should extend his sassy and smug semantics against sexist-panderer mopheads-exhibiting Luntz-like Sean Hannity of FOX (who by repeated inference wants the poor half of American citizens to start paying income tax), who is (ironically) BHO-as-Anointed-One-espousing, dumbo-diarrhea counterpart to certain jackass tax-and-spend U.S. Senators.
Even BHO's implied recourse to the U.S. Supreme Court for Constitution revisionism and redefinitions will be futile in the face of a probable 5-4 decision NOT in his favor.
And BHO is destined to politically go down eventually anyway because of his deceptively-photoshopped-and-dishonest purported "Hawaiian" birth certificate (in view of his actual non-admitted Mombasa Kenya one from the Coast Province General Hospital).
It is even clearer now that BHO rejected inferior-gender international-trouble-maker Hillary "Vince Foster" Clinton as his VP running mate in 2008 and chose tax-and-spend male Joe Biden instead, because of Clinton-related rivalry (being that, since his election, he has appointed Susan Collins to be U.N. ambassador, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, and both Sonja Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the High Court) and thus NOT so much because of the following:
Seven Reasons Why Feminists Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin Should NOT Become GOP-Nomination Candidates for President and Vice-President in 2012:
(1) LEVITICUS 27:1 The Lord said to Moses,
2 "Say to the people of Israel, When a man makes a special vow of persons to the Lord at your valuation,
3 then your valuation of a male from twenty years old up to sixty years old shall be fifty shekels of silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary.
(2) ECCLESIASTES 7:25 I turned my mind to know and to search out and to seek wisdom and the sum of things, and to know the wickedness of folly and the foolishness which is madness.
26 And I found more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and whose hands are fetters; he who pleases God escapes her, but the sinner is taken by her.
27 Hey, this is what I found, says the Preacher, adding one thing to another to find the sum,
28 which my mind has sought repeatedly, but I have not found. One man among a thousand I found, but a woman among all these I have not found.
(3) ISAIAH 3:12 My people: children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. Oh my people, your leaders mislead you, and confuse the course of your paths.
(4) NAHUM 3:12 All your fortresses are like fig trees with first-ripe figs: if shaken they fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 Hey, your troops are women in your midst. The gates of your land are wide open to your foes; fire has devoured your bars.
(5) FIRST CORINTHIANS 14:33 As in all the churches of the saints,
34 the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says.
35 If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home, because it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
36 What? Did the word of God originate with you, or are you the only ones it has reached?
37 If any one thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord.
38 If any one does not recognize this, he is not recognized
(6) FIRST TIMOTHY 2:8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;
9 also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in decent apparel, not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire
10 but by good works, as befits women who profess religion.
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness
12 I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.
13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve;
14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
15 Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with sobriety.
(7) FIRST PETER 3:5 So once the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves and were submissive to their husbands,
6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are now her children, if you do right and let nothing terrify you.
7 Likewise you husbands, live considerately with your wives, bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker vessel, since you are joint heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered.
Remember, it is NOT Paul Ryan nor his brilliant financial planners who want to cut needed and vital Social Security and Medicare, but instead satanspeak obaminites of pro-homopervert ("human rights"), pro-feminist-chauvenist ("equal rights"), marxist-socialist/class-warfare ("redistribution of wealth"), niggar-reparations ("civil rights") subversives who have already robbed Medicare of $500 billion and concocted a Discriminatory Medical-Care-Depriving Rationing Panel to fund Obamascare who will force impoverished unemployed who already barely have enough to pay current monthly bills to go belly up being forced to purchase generally-needless health insurance or be fined by the IRS, AND will will force health insurance companies to insure everyone with preexisting conditions (some of which conditions were self-imposed by and even continue to be caused by sexually irresponsible and other self-afflicting accidents and diseases).
And in supposedly claiming to "work out a bipartisan compromise" (when such is certainly NOT needed now in view of the GOP House Cut/Cap/Balance Bill), let's not let obamination nor their network media give any credit to those who do NOT deserve credit given them.
Speaking of black reparations, we patriots are fed up letting racist bigots and prejudiced continue to weary and burden us with blasphemous "Martin Luther" King-like plagiarism.
I don't know who is worse: fake-"christian"-feminist, wannabe-Prez/VP Migraine-Michele Bachmann...or GOP-House-Budgets-rejecting, Mombasa-Kenyan-born Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama. Probably both. Hopefully, Joe Biden is up to it, if exasperated-enough Demmies and Rebbies begin impeachment proceedings against black-reparations-guaranteed socialist Negroid-in-Chief.
GOP House Republicans might as well stick to a re-titled re-introduced Paul Ryan Cut-Cap-Balance Debt and Deficit Reduction Bill, rather than succombing to a compromising Boehner plan, being that marxist-racist Black-Reparations-unimpeachable BHO will veto whichever gets through a filibusters-possible override-Harry-Reid Senate. Refer to &
It behooves the voters of New York to remove Barney Frank (D-MA) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) from office by election or (preferably, if possible) by impeachment.
It would be better to cut the military budget comprised of needless waste of soldiers and bullets fighting the benign sand dunes of Afghanistan than to cut the SS and Medicare of impoverished seniors.
What is the typical "republican" R.I.N.O. answer to fixing Social Security? Cutting SUPPOSEDLY-"wealthy"-Grandma's monthly SS check, and raising the retirement age!
The new SS recipients are NOT dying-out dinosaurs with lavish RV motorhomes, but rather early-retirement babyboomers laid off so much they never got a pension, and prefer to not start up a megamillion-dollar corporation at their grandchildren-occupied worn-out age nor gamble on the hit-and-miss Stock Market.
The Social-Security-and-Medicare-as-welfare-entitlements-to-cut, feminist-oriented aberrations of the Republic Party in the relatively recent past (Reagan nominating Sandra Day O'Connor, Bush appointing Condi Rice, the GOP running Sarah Palin with John McCain) are as deviant as black-reparations-racist, pro-homosexual, pro-feminist, pro-abortion-homicide-choice, anti-Ten-Commandments-posting demoncrat subversives.
Never trust any politician who wants to nominate a feminist woman with migraine headaches to become President, nor a talkshow commentator who wants to "fix" Social Security by raising the Retirement Age and cutting Grandma's monthly Social Security checks.
It is abundantly clear that (alternative to Facebook) is much more tolerant of their clients petitioning new and not-yet-acquainted possible friends, in stark contrast to Facebook hierarchy who accuses clients who petition others of attempting to friend strangers and threatening such with week-long blockage.
In the final two free elections before Hitler’s rise to power, in July and November 1932, the Nazis received 38% and 33% of the vote, respectively — a plurality but not enough to bring them into government. In the 1932 presidential election, Hitler lost to Hindenburg by a wide margin.
Hitler came to power not through elections, but because Hindenburg and the circle around Hindenburg ultimately decided to appoint him chancellor in January 1933. This was the result of backroom dealing and power politics, not any kind of popular vote. It is true that after Hitler was already ensconced as chancellor, the Nazis subsequently won the March 1933 elections. But this was in the wake of the Reichstag fire, when the government had passed an emergency law that sharply restricted the activities of left-of-center parties (including the arrest of many Communist leaders). Thus it is difficult to claim that these were “free and fair” elections.
Hitler lost the first election in Germany, as Barack Hussein Obama might lose the 2012 Election (unless the GOP appoints Migraine-Michele as their Presidential or VP nominee or whatever).
But Mombasa-Kenya-born Obama might rise to even greater power and authority internationally, perhaps even acquiring control of both the UN and the EU in the relatively near future.
A "marriage" can spiritually and legally be defined as two humans of opposite genders associatively united for purposes of heterosexual companionship and connections, typically having the potential of producing human offspring.
IF Michele Bachmann is included as one of the nine GOP Prez candidates in the weekend Ames IA debate, I will NOT be watching it, NOR reruns of it. It is SHAMEFUL for a woman to be included in THAT lineup, per Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13, First Corinthians 11:1-16 & 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-14, and First Peter 3:7.
"Sin" is not a personified abstration which ITSELF is going to be judged as one of the proverbial "goats" on Judgment Day, and thus ITSELF go to Hell. Although all causes of stumbling-block sinning will be removed someday, the PERSONS who choose to [disobediently] sin and let sin control them will be judged and comdamned on The Last Day. The statement: "the strength of sin is the law" cannot reasonably be paraphrased either as: "the law causes sin" NOR "the law causes sin to be stronger" - because, again, sin is NOT some outside abstraction which can be separated from the sinner and itself blamed so as to render the sinner who sins (either accidently or deliberately, regretfully or maliciously) innocent of committing sin. The law is a proof and exposer of sins committed as being sinful, and a necessary Divinely-inspired holy mirror reflecting that verification.
When Eve was perfect, without any environment inciting sinfulness and effects thereof, what was her inner motive for disobeying God's simple but complete-enough Word...and instead gullibly misbelieving Satan's half-lying deceptive and alluring words? Did she have some inherent need that was not being supplied? Was it alleged "benign" insatiable curiosity? Was she innately malicious and defiantly spiteful against the Lord while nude and innocent? Was she being stupid in her ignorance as to inevitable, dire and irreversible, consequential effects? Was she under EXCESSIVE duress from The Tempter? Who was to blame for imposing the Garden Serpent, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and for giving bare-naked Eve a free will to screw things up with? Who was at fault for her doing what she did, and choosing the wrong course of action, after being duly warned? Who provided more-than-adequate compensation for her insane error, and in what way and ways did He do so?
It perplexes me why King James allowed the weird euphemistic phrase "abusers of themselves with mankind" (whatever the duce THAT means) for the KJV misrendition of First Corinthians 6:9 pertaining to the Greek-Text word 'arsenokoitai' (which one modern King James revision rightly translates using the proper English word: "sodomites").
My Baier/Wallace-like question to the GOP Iowa-Straw-Poll candidates: "If you were nominated Presidential candidate for the 2012 Election, would you select a female VP running mate? If not, on what specific Biblical grounds would you do that?"
There are two words describing the victory of the Mighty-Ditz and Biblically-Inferior-Gender Migraine-Michele Bachmann, competing against and overpowering all the far-more-qualified male GOP candidates in the Iowa Straw-Poll Vote: OBNOXIOUS and SHAMEFUL.
The spectacular triumph of Migraine-Michele Bachmann seducing idiot Iowans (with their proverbial heads up their rectums) to vote for her in the Iowa Straw-Poll Vote instead of any of the worthy GOP male candidates gives the words: PHENOMENALLY ASININE a new meaning.
If it gets down to a choice between Scripturally-verified weaker-gender-ditz Migraine-Michele Bachmann vs Barack Obama, I of course will vote for neither one....but I will secretly hope that superior-gender Obama and Biden get re-elected in 2012.
A serious warning: I swear I will unfriend any individual or group posting any positive comment whatsoever about Migraine-Michele Bachmann on my Facebook homepage.
Isn't it "wonderful" that sometimes-mopheaded Migraine-Michele Bachmann beat out all those male GOP-candidate competitors? Isn't it "thrilling?" May G-d damn to Hell her personally, all those who voted for her, and all who were glad that she "conquered."
"Sin" ["itself?"] is an ABSTRACTION which (NOT "who") will neither be forever blissful in Heaven NOR perpetually tortured in Hell...similar to firearm bullets, marijuana, exhaust-pipe fumes, tobacco, and alcohol in beverages. WHO WILL be permanently confined to either Heaven or Hell will be the murderer, the drunken druggie, the nicotene-smoker nut, and the alcoholic. THEY - in stark contrast to benign God-created environmental phenonmena - WILL experience everlasting torment, unless they deliberately STOP doing their addictions.
If I took a bullhorn or got on the internet, and starting shouting "Death to Sweden!" or "Death to Russia" or "Death to China" or "Death to Italty" - what would you think? What would the police and sheriff think? What would they soon do to me? That is exactly what has and continues to happen when the present President of Iran bellers out to the world "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America!" He obviously is in dire need of serious psyhiatric confinement and help, and is clearly not qualified to rule Iran until he gets that confinement and help and changes his genocidal public-nuisance rhetoric. If such is not done to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it perhaps behooves Navy SEALS to take him out as they apparently took out Osama bin Laden.
It is best to not search for friends that Facebook suggests, because you might get a condemnatory message saying that you have been blocked for up to a week from searching for any more of them. [Strange - WHY does Facebook themselves solicit potential friends without them first asking for it?]
Where is the Israeli equivalent of the ATF, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, along with the FBI, when Messiah-rejecting Israelis need them? Closer inspection and tighter restrictions on the import, transfer, and dissemination of explosive devices within Israel is needed by Jewish Christian agents who have their intuitive eyes and minds open by the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ and His Sacred 66-books Judeo-Christian (i.e. Old-and-New-Testaments) Holy Bible.
Masturbation is a type of sodomy, and according to First Corinthians 6:9-10, neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor sodomites...will inherit the kingdom of God.
Before they reach puberty, children do have some sexual desires, but they are not developed, especially pertaining to concentration or involvement with genitals and what adults know what genitals do when sexually aroused.
Also, adults in general are aware than pregnancy cannot happen to pre-puberty pre-teen tweens and toddlers, so genital or rectal or fellatio intercourse with them is physiologically "safe" (more or less) relating to that.
However, the body parts of a pre-teen tween and younger females are not as developed as they would be for a female having reached puberty and beyond...and therefore not as attractive to an adult having reached puberty with a developed sense of sensuality.
Likewise, tween-and-younger erotic awareness and appreciation for body-part-directed manipulation for stimulation is not yet present, and therefore should not, especially under duress, be forced upon the young ones (who do not yet appreciate such) by adult authority figures.
It has been said in Scripture that "Sin is a reproach to any people." Obviously, partially-indecent attire in public is clearly an expression of immodesty, and is one type of sin.
Iranian women, on warm desert days, superstitiously worship a fictitious deity (allah) and espouse the antisemitic and plagiaristic Koran...but while consistently appearing in general public view wearing long-sleeved full-length-robed burkas and hijabs. Religiously-pluralistic (albeit somewhat "Christian") american women (in general) freely and idolatrously expose plus subtly or overtly flaunt their loose-long-haired mopheadedness, naked-armed sleeveslessness, nude-legged slacklessness, and flip-flop-footed soxlessness.
Thus, both groups of people are on relatively equal footing, and confrontation between the two would plainly result in a standoff and stalemate.
In one sense, gambling is evaluated by what is at stake, and how it is played. The phrases: "The borrower is the slave of the lender" and "Owe no one anything but to love one another" involve not only credit-card purchases, but also becoming financially obligated with mortgages plus car and student loans....with no money in the bank, and non-certain continuous acquisition of whatever-sourced funding along with dicey-at-best job-retention prospects to pay for accrued loans. In another sense, belief in and acceptance of what is contained within Scripture is a "leap of faith" gamble -- and a gamble which MUST be taken...sooner or later.
Repentance usually is accompanied by sorrow, regret, even remorse...but the paramount element comprising such is an honest intention of never again committing the particular offense pertaining to the penitence.
Although the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution abolished the legality of slavery within American territories, both the Old and the New Testament refer to the continuing existence and temporal perpetuation of slavery, both positively and negatively.
The argument by some homosexual proponents that as slavery was practiced, then abolished, in American history, so sodomy unions among same-gender people should likewise change, being that the framers of the Constitutiion intended [supposed] across-the-board freedom for and of "the" people.
However, that homoqueer irrationalization is specious and faulty, because euphemistic "apples and oranges" are inferred as equivalent, in that the subject of traditional marriage involves gender differentiation and procreation potential of persons of the two genders themselves, irrelevant to possibilities of artificial insemination, adoption, and so on.
Furthermore, allusions to alleged similarities of differentiation to skin color (i.e. "race") and related eventual non-discrimination pertaining to such are also specious when attempt is made to compare such as viably similar, off an an irrelevant tangent, and non-applicable to the precise factors of opposite genders and their heterosexually-reproductive potential.
Added to that, theological, historical and jurisprudent precedent from the founding fathers on is in no way concordant with inclusion of homosexual orientation and practices as purportedly-"legitimate" human sexual expression and familial institution.
The presupposition that homosodomy participants "love" each other is errant, in that the Bible upon which puritan and other pilgrim pioneers built America instead considers such lurid and lewd affection: "lust" and NOT "love."
Not merely the Founding Fathers, but those in governmental authority thereafter within the United States, never intended chaotic and anarchistic anti-social "freedom" - but instead freedom to think and live within enforced parameters of majority-rule codified laws.
Christians Televangelist Pat Robertson and Messianic Jewess Jan Markell would probably concur that the recent 5.8 earthquake shaking WDC and upcoming winds and rain of Hurricane Irene are warnings from the LORD to Obamanation, informing them to not conspire with the UN to allocate God-apportioned Israeli territory to antisemitic arab-terrorist "palestinians." Explore
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It is about time that feminists-in-charge Bachmann, homosodomite-unions-inclusive Hunter, and even Gingrich-redundant Santorum drop out of the GOP Presidential candidate race.
Anti-Zionism is related to Anti-Semitism, although zionism has more to do with world rulership (particular as it is related to Jewish/Gentile unity involving leadership under the Messiahship of Jesus Christ)....whereas antisemitism has more to do with mere hatred against Jews for being blood descendants of God-called Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who received land-ownership promises from the LORD.
If the powers-who-be learned anything from the 9-11-2011 internal-attack mass-murder and devastation committed by blasphemously-cultic-islamic nutjobs, it is - first and foremost - to have a genuine Biblically-enlightened mind of Christ [Jesus] to "think outside the box" by righteously discriminating suspiciously AGAINST those who seem probable to intend to do unpreceded wickedness...while righteously discriminating with non-legalistic tolerance FOR those who are obviously innocent and benign.
Although he had his part in allowing the 9112001 devastating tragedy by caving in to racist feminist-sexist subversives allowing Condi Rice to be the National Security Advisor, causing dis-coordination among the American intelligence community relating to Saddam's Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" investigation, one can detect the sympathetic humility of George W Bush in his demeanor during his 9-11-2011 speech related to the downed Flight 93 site in Pennsylvania. Not so concerning Bill Clinton and his demeanor, who looked like a guilty cat who had just swallowed a mouse. And under whose pre-2001 non-discriminatory open-immigration administration policy was wanted-for-prosecution-in-Israel Atta and the other jet hijackers with Saudi passports let into the US, with Hillary Clinton Senator of NY at the time, along with Barney Frank and other TFK-like demoncrats overseeing Massachusetts - with Christianity-stifling indiscrimination (cultically-tolerant "civil" "rights") letting the genocidal terrorists board the fateful plane at Boston?
When Obama took office in January 2009, average USA gas price at the pump was around $1.60/gallon. It is now around $3.70/gallon as of 7/14/2011. During the Pelosi/Reid democratic Congressional regime, average USA gas prices at the pump shot all the way up to around $4.12/gallon (during July of 2008), according to peaked at $4.24 on 7/7/2008, according to
Anyone who utters "Tax the rich!" as a cure-all scheme to purportedly alleviate the National Debt, is legalistically and narrow-mindedly jealousy-based, simplistic and prejudiced, Marxist-socialist, mindlessly-pathetic, self-deluded non-discernment.
Does BHO beller out that Stimulus and Jobs-Appropriation monies are needed to build buidges, roads, and renovate buildings...when money itself builds nothing? The problem is that the funding already connived by Obomination, Obominites have already used up to slip in red-tape-regulation voters-bribing bureaucrats, instead of being used to actually repair roads, bridges, and buildings.
1 Timothy 6:17 As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches but on God who richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy.
James 5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you.
2 Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten.
3 Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure for the last days.
4 Hey, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.
5 You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.
6 You have condemned, you have killed the righteous man; he does not resist you.